About us
Zaposlitev.net is one of the most popular and fastest growing job portals in Slovenia providing daily access to thousands of job ads that are collected from the most popular job and career portals, ad portals and largest company websites.
Most of Zaposlitev.net visitors are looking for job vacancies of such positions as low and mid-level specialists, assistants, customer service staff, skilled and low-skilled workers in Ljubljana and other Slovenian major cities, and regions as well as for jobs abroad. Zaposlitev.net offers the most job openings in your town and region.
Zaposlitev.net opportunities for job seekers:
- Applying for job vacancies;
- Subscribing to suitable job offers to your e-mail;
- Saving job ads and applying documents to your profile.
Zaposlitev.net is also one of the most effective online recruitment channels in Slovenia, whose audience is growing rapidly and having more than 130,000 unique visitors per month. It is particularly suitable for companies that want to find employees for lower and mid-level vacancies in Slovenia or jobs abroad by spending minimum costs in the recruitment process.
Zaposlitev.net opportunities for employers:
- Publishing Job ads
- Using additional solutions to increase applications and employer brand awareness;
- Getting technical support, advice on the labour market and job ad compilation.
Zaposlitev.net has been operating since 2000 and is managed by Alma Career d.o.o. - the leading online recruitment services provider in Slovenia.